If you have outstanding debts from overdue invoices, rent arrears, bounced cheques or any other trading debts, we can help.

Accurate, dependable credit checks

Accurate, dependable credit checks

Individuals or businesses, single or multiple checks. Are You Owed Money Ltd's credit checking services are powered by industry leading services, allowing you fast access to knowledge that could affect your future liquidity.

If you want peace of mind as to who you wish to consider offering credit to, make sure you know exactly what risk you may be taking.

All we need is a little information. To begin, tell us about your debt.
This must be a value, such as 150.00
This must be a value, such as 1, or 99
We need to know the age of the debts

This form will take less than 60 seconds to complete.

Individuals or businesses, single or multiple checks. Are You Owed Money Ltd's credit checking services are powered by industry leading services, allowing you fast access to knowledge that could affect your future liquidity.

Credit check businesses and individuals

Worried about offering credit on services?

Suffered cash flow issues due to previous non payment?

Want to make informed decisions with up to date, correct information?

What we can help with

Credit checking


Credit control

Document serving

Credit control

Unpaid invoices

Late payments

Legal support

Debt collection

Did you know?

Are You Owed Money Ltd have been awarded the title of "Leaders in Commercial Debt Recovery" by Wealth and Finance International.


Credit checks are a form of assessing a person's or business's ability to repay credit. When you offer credit, be it for goods, services or as part of a continuing contract such as a rental agreement, it is beneficial to know what risk you are taking as the creditor.

Credit checking potential debtors ensures you are fulfilling your duty of care to both parties, conducting due diligence. This protects yourself by lowering chances of non payment. If non payment then becomes an issue, you will be fully informed as to the debtor's ability to pay, either in full or in instalments.

How can a debt collection agency help your business?

As well as providing the starting point of credit checking, a debt collection agency can help all aspects of credit control.

Alongside credit checks, should you experience problems with non payment, we can conduct searches to accurately locate debtors and serve documents to them to ensure they understand the severity of non payment.

Should they continue to evade, we can provide debt collection services to chase them for payment, taking the strain away from you having to listen to excuses or disputes.

Debt collection takes away the burden of drafting documents and mediating with debtors from you. We put the pressure on to resolve debt as soon as possible and return the situation to normal as soon as possible.

Real time updates via a 24hr client portal.

Industry leading tracing systems.

Multi award-winning service.

On-site legal team to provide experienced, expert support.

Why choose AYOM Debt Collectors?

Are You Owed Money have an excellent, dedicated team offering advice regarding collecting your debts. The combination of an experienced collections team, legal support and a proven collection strategy brings together a service you can rely on. We offer all this alongside a superior client portal which allows you 24/7 access to updates and tracking of your results.

Your client portal lets you see how and when we've contacted your debtors as well as what we have recovered. Using a simple login you can access your case anywhere in the world at any time.

Our credit checking and search systems are powered by industry leading partners, ensuring you have the knowledge needed to safely offer clients credit or in the event of non payment, find them to serve papers to.

With years of experience, excellent staff training and an impressive track record of results including award winning services and procedures, Are You Owed Money Ltd is your best opportunity to recover your business debts.